Senior Information
Grad Nite
Seniors -
Grad Nite will take place May 24 and will be at both Disneyland and California Adventures parks. Students will be expected to pay for their own food and souvenir items while at the park. Questions? Contact Dr. MacKenzie at or Mr. Contreras at
Graduation Information
Bouquets and Leis will be sold at Graduation!

Graduation Pictures:

Caps & Gowns
BALFOUR Cap and Gown Information
Cap and gown cost: $35.00. Gowns are available in the ASB office. Cash only.
Senior Pictures
Prestige Portraits | Professional Senior Portraits
Find Your Appointment Code. Your Appointment Code was sent to you on a postcard or in an email from Prestige Portraits. Look for an 8-digit code of numbers and letters, like G3NZ-2XS7.