If you would like to submit written comments on the BUSD LCAP, please email your comments to cvelasco@brawleyhigh.org. Thank you.
NOTE: As per Ed Code 52062(a)(3), The superintendent of the school district shall notify members of the public of the opportunity to submit written comments regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the local control and accountability plan or annual update to the local control and accountability plan, using the most efficient method of notification possible.
Other District Plans
Prop 28 Arts and Music in Schools Plan
2023-24 Arts and Music Discretionary Block Grant
2022-23 Home to School Transportation Grant Plan
2021-22 A-G Completion Improvement Grant Plan
2021-22 Educator Effectiveness Block Grant Plan
2021-2022 ESSER III Expenditure Plan
2021 Safe Return to In Person Instruction - Revised 6/2022
2021 Safe Return to In Person Instruction - Revised 12/2022