Monday, June 3rd, 2024 -Odd Day
Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 - Even Day
Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 - Odd Day (Collaboration Day) DVHS Graduation @ 8:00PM
Thursday, June 6th, 2024 – Even Day (Minimum Day) BUHS Graduation @ 8:00PM
Congratulations to the CNA students for passing their licensing exams!
ASB Calendar
Graduation Livestream Links May Be Found on our BUHS Youtube Page
DVHS Graduation Livestream Link - YouTube
BUHS Graduation Livestream Link - YouTube
Attention staff and students:
Yearbooks are officially sold out! If you purchased your yearbook already, you can still pick up anytime this week or next week during the following times:
Before school
During nutrition break
During tutorial with permission from your tutorial teacher (teachers can call Ms. Camargo in Room 54)
During lunch
After school
On behalf of the Publications team, thank all you Wildcats for your purchases this year!
If you have any questions, email Publications advisor, Ms. Camargo, at or stop by room 54.
If you have not yet purchased your cap and gown for graduation, please stop by the ASB office so that we may help you with your order. We have limited sizes and colors available for immediate purchase. If we place an order, we will need to allow time for shipping. Cost of the gown set is 35.00 and if paying for a gown is an issue, please let us know so that we may help.
FALL 2024-2025 SPORTS
The Football Program is looking for Team Managers for this upcoming season. If you are interested, please see Mr. Landy in room 94 for more information.
We are working on two options for ID cards. We have the digital ID from Minga available. Download the app, information is below.
Download Minga and Sign In With Google Poster C… We also have physical ID's for students available in the ASB office for Class of 2026 and 2027. First ID is free and then replacement ID's are $5.00.
Staff ID's are available in the library.
PE Clothes for sale- $25.00 set or $13.00 each
Online Store
Click Here for Brawley Union High School Online Store
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, June 6th Class of 2024 BUHS Graduates at 8:00 PM at Warne Field
David Honnold (Please use personal emails to communicate with Mr. Honnold, school emails do not allow him to respond). 1-619-933-8405 Cap and Gown Orders ($35.00), Rings, and Jackets. The cap and gowns are available for purchase in the ASB office.
Parents may call customer service number 1-800-736-4753 or use the 24hr LIVE-CHAT on
SPORTS PICTURES Mr. Brewer has fall, winter, and spring sports pictures.
August 12th-16th, 2024 and August 19th-21st, 2024 (Prestige Portraits will be calling to schedule during the summer)
Date Arrival Start End Off Campus time Location
8/12/24 7am 10am 3:30pm 5:30pm Cafeteria
8/13/24 7:30am 8am 3:30pm
8/14/24 7:30am 8am 3:30pm
8/15/24 7:30am 8am 3:30pm
8/16/24 7:30am 8am 3:30pm
8/19/24 7:30am 8am 3:30pm TBD
8/20/24 7:30am 8am 3:30pm TBD
8/21/24 7:30am 8am 2pm TBD
Fall Individuals: 8/28, 8/29, & 8/30
Fall Retake: 10/9/2024
Sports: 9/9/2024 & 9/10/2024 (Fall)
12/9/2024 & 12/10/2024 (Winter)
3/10/2025 & 3/11/2025 (Spring)
Homecoming- Saturday, October 19th
Panoramic: 11/14/2024
Dance (Prom): Saturday, May 3rd
Juniors and Seniors - if you plan to take the ACT or SAT this spring and want some online prep to get ready for the test, please email Ms. Munguia at She can give you access to prep lessons in if you don't already have access.
Backpack Food Program every Friday at FRC Come and pick up easy snacks and meals to take home for the weekend every Friday in Room 95/FRC All students are welcome and eligible If interested come see Ms. Zuno in room 95
Everything is in working order! Let us know if you have any questions/concerns. Dina Self or Gracie Tomboc PBIS items redeemed in the ASB store. Link Crew PBIS Presentation Link Crew Redeem Rewards Presentation
CLUBS 2023-2024 ASB Club List
Campus Life- Thanks for a great Campus Life Year! Youth Group continues during the summer, Wednesdays, 6pm at Christ Community Church, Brawley, on main street.
Check with Youth For Christ, El Centro for summer Campus Life opportunities. See you in the Fall, Campus Life Club, 24-25 ... coming soon! Best wishes - MrsArcher, Room 7.
Cadet Club- See Mr. Jeronimo Contreras in room 53
Circle of Friends- Leadership Club is looking for anyone who wants to make friends with people with disabilities. Here you will learn ways to communicate and work with different people while having fun. See Ms. Ray in Room #10 or Mr. Parra in Room #25 for more information.
Class of 2024- Classroom Code is: e2rknqh See Ms. Lyon in room 43 for information.
Class of 2026-
Class of 2027 -
Drama Club- See Mr. Jason Contreras in Room 77.
Entrepreneur Club- Ready to transform your awesome ideas into a real business or kick start a side hustle for some extra cash? Join the Entrepreneur Club! No experience required—just bring your passion and curiosity to room 61 every Tuesday from 3 to 5 pm. Google Classroom Code is: 7wglwbb
Flags- Are you interested in joining our BUHS Tall Flags? Contact Ms. Ledón in room #62.
GSA Club: This club is a safe space for students that identify as LGBTQIA+ and their allies to meet and support each other. We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month during lunchtime at lunch in Room 52. The BUHS GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) club Welcomes Everyone!
Interact Club contact Mr. Rico in room 63 for information.
Mock Trial- If interested in joining Mock Trial come see Mr. Ruiz in room 93.
K-Pop- Are you interested in K-POP and more about the genre? Come and meet with the K-POP Club! Contact Mrs. Oceguera at or visit her classroom (room #69).
Scrapbooking Club - Are you interested in taking pictures or creating keepsake photo albums? Scrapbooking is a great way to record your high school memories! Please join Ms. Ross in Room 44 every Monday from 3-5 P.M.
Travel Club: Classroom Code 5mm7tz2 Summer 2025 Greece. Join us for educational travel. See Mrs. Self in ASB for details and fundraiser information.
UNICEF Club and Model United Nations. The classroom code is 2x2ixxr. Students can contact Mrs. Oceguera's email to join. The club's main goal is to help the children around the world and attend Model UN conferences at universities to hone role model and leadership skills.