Join Us for Our Monthly "Let's Taco-bout It!" Meeting This upcoming Tuesday, March 11th, we’re hosting a crucial discussion on the effects and dangers of Fentanyl, featuring Behavioral Health Substance Use Disorders specialists. Come learn about the impact of this crisis, get informed, and connect with fellow community members. We look forward to seeing you there! For more details, check out the flyer. __________________________________________________________________________ Únete a Nosotros en Nuestra Reunión Mensual "¡Hablemos de Tacos!" Este próximo martes 11 de Marzo, organizaremos una conversación crucial sobre los efectos y peligros del Fentanilo, con la participación de especialistas en Trastornos de Uso de Sustancias en Salud Conductual. Ven a informarte sobre el impacto de esta crisis, aprender y conectar con otros miembros de la comunidad. ¡Esperamos verte allí! Para más detalles, consulta el folleto.
7 days ago, Community School
March Let's Taco-bout It!
You're invited to our annual iCAN event on Wednesday, March 19th from 5:00-7:00pm. Connect with our staff, learn about our college and career programs, enjoy dinner, and stay for the prizes. Contact the BUHS Counseling Center with any questions. #BrawleyProud #cte
7 days ago, BUHS
iCAN flyer English
iCAN Flyer Spanish
Coffee Cat next week, March 7th. It's an important topic. Our partners from Brawley Police Department will talk with us about the facts and dangers of fentanyl. We hope to see you there.
16 days ago, BUHS
Coffee Cat - English
Coffee Cat - Spanish
Lady Wildcats Soccer & Basketball in action tomorrow for CIFSDS Semi-Final Games! Come cheer on your Wildcats!
17 days ago, BUHS
CIF Semi-Final Games 2.25.2025
Greetings Parents and Guardians, We are excited to announce the launch of our 3rd Life Skills Academy for Adults (Parents and Guardians). This program offers an opportunity to learn valuable life skills in areas such as finances, self-care, housekeeping, health and wellness, and more—empowering you to grow personally and make a positive impact on yourself and your family. Classes will be held once a week, every Tuesday, for 6 weeks, starting March 4th. Be sure to check out the flyer for additional details. Click the link to sign up: ___________________________________________________________ Saludos Padres y Tutores, Estamos emocionados de anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestra 3ª Academia de Habilidades para la Vida para Adultos (Padres y Tutores). Este programa ofrece una oportunidad para aprender habilidades valiosas en áreas como finanzas, autocuidado, labores domésticas, salud y bienestar, y más, brindándote las herramientas para crecer personalmente y tener un impacto positivo en ti mismo y tu familia. Las clases se llevarán a cabo una vez por semana, todos los martes, durante 6 semanas, comenzando el 4 de marzo. Asegúrate de revisar el volante para más detalles. Haz clic en el siguiente enlace para inscribirte:
28 days ago, Community School
Life Skills Flyer
Habilidades para la vida
We are excited to announce that BUHS will host its annual Prom at Old Eucalyptus Schoolhouse on Saturday, May 3, 2025. All students must meet the eligibility criteria to purchase tickets. Tickets go on sale March 18, 2025. The cost per attendee is $80.00.
about 1 month ago, Diana Renteria
2025 Prom Night Flyer
2025 Prom-Spanish
Attention Parents and Guardians, Save the date for our Let's Taco-bout It Family Meeting on Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00 PM in the BUHS Cafeteria. We are excited to share the collaboration between BUHS and community agencies in supporting our students through Healthy Relationships courses. Join us to learn how our students are being equipped with essential tools for building healthier relationships and practicing effective communication. This is a great opportunity to connect with other parents and stay informed about the valuable resources available to our students. We look forward to seeing you there! Please refer to the attached flyer for more details. ________________________________________________________________________________ Estimados Padres y Tutores, ¡Marquen la fecha para nuestra reunión familiar Let's Taco-bout It el martes 11 de febrero a las 6:00 PM en la cafetería de BUHS! Estamos emocionados de compartir la colaboración entre BUHS y agencias comunitarias para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes a través de los cursos de Relaciones Saludables. Acompáñenos para aprender cómo nuestros estudiantes están siendo equipados con herramientas esenciales para construir relaciones más saludables y practicar una comunicación efectiva. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para conectarse con otros padres y mantenerse informados sobre los valiosos recursos disponibles para nuestros estudiantes. ¡Esperamos verlos allí! Consulten el folleto adjunto para más detalles.
about 1 month ago, Community School
Community School
Community School Flyer
Join us on Friday, February 7th for Coffee Cat. We will explore our after-school program, ARC, and learn more about how our students can connect to school after their classes. We will meet in the BUHS Library at 9:30am. Please use the entrance on A Street to enter campus.
about 2 months ago, BUHS
Coffee Cat - English
Coffee Cat - Spanish
We're seeking feedback from graduates who studied or are studying in the fields of ENGINEERING, EDUCATION, or SPORTS MEDICINE/PHYSICAL THERAPY. Please share this survey with anyone in these fields. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
about 2 months ago, BUHS
Here are the updated bus routes for Brawley Union High School District.
about 2 months ago, BUHS
Updated Brawley High Bus Schedule.
Join us for this month's Coffee Cat with the BUHS Team. We hope to see you there.
2 months ago, BUHS
Coffee Cat - English
Coffee Cat - Spanish
BUHS Students return to school on Tuesday, January 7th. We will be on a Tutorial Start/EVEN Day Schedule. Students will report to their Tutorial class at 7:55am to start the day. Please see the Bell Schedule for more details.
2 months ago, BUHS
Tutorial Start Schedule
If you didn't catch December's Coffee Cat, here's the archive:
2 months ago, BUHS
Coffee Cat Flyer from 12/6/24
Coffee Cat Flyer from 12/6/24
Mandatory Winter Sports Meeting for Parents and Students next Monday or Wednesday. See the flyer for the details.
3 months ago, BUHS
Winter Sports Parent Meeting
Coffee Cat this Friday, December 6th at 9:30am in the BUHS Cafeteria. We hope you will join us to learn more about our CTE programs at BUHS.
3 months ago, BUHS
Coffee Cat - English
Coffee Cat - Spanish
Coffee Cat on November 1st at 9:30am! Join us for conversation and coffee. See the flyer for more details.
5 months ago, BUHS
Coffee Cat Flyer
Coffee Cat - Spanish
Seniors! Let's get those college applications submitted! Here are some days we can help you. Talk to your counselor if you have any questions.
5 months ago, BUHS
college application workshops
If you didn't get a chance to catch last week's Coffee Cat, here is the archive:
5 months ago, BUHS
Coffee Cat 10/4/24
Our first Coffee Cat meeting of the year is Friday, October 4th at 9:30am in the BUHS Cafeteria on C Street. Join our Principal and team for Campus Updates, to meet the BUHS Staff, and to learn more about the Aeries Parent Portal. We look forward to seeing you there.
6 months ago, BUHS
Coffee Cat English
Coffee Cat - Spanish
Greetings Parents/Guardians, Ready to build skills for success in life? Join our Life Skills Academy, where you'll learn essential tools from self-care to finances. This interactive and fun course will empower you to thrive in everyday situations. Sign up and take the first step towards a more Confident and Capable YOU! This course is open to all parents of BUHS and DVHS students. Upon completion of the 6 week course a certificate will be awarded. Don't miss out on this great opportunity. See you there!! *We will close this form once we have reached 30 participants* Registrese aqui: Saludos Padres/Tutores de Familia, ¿Listo para desarrollar habilidades para el éxito en la vida? Únase a nuestro curso de habilidades para la vida, donde aprenderá herramientas esenciales. Este curso interactivo y divertido le permitirá prosperar en situaciones cotidianas. ¡Regístrese y dé el primer paso hacia un USTED más seguro y capaz! Este curso está abierto a todos los padres de estudiantes de BUHS y DVHS. Al finalizar el curso de 6 semanas se otorgará un certificado. No te pierdas de esta gran oportunidad. Te esperamos!! *Cerraremos este formulario una vez que hayamos llegado a 30 participantes* Registrese aqui:
6 months ago, Community School
Life Skills Flyer
Habilidades para la vida