January 23rd - January 27th, 2023
Monday, January 23rd, 2023 - Even Day
Tuesday, January 24th, 2023 - Odd Day
Wednesday, January 25th, 2023 - Even Day
Thursday, January 26th, 2023 – Odd Day
Friday, January 27th, 2023 - Even Day
Homecoming Pictures- Available for pickup in the ASB office.
Fall Sports Pictures- Available for pickup in the ASB office.
Senior Panoramic- Available for pickup in the ASB office.
Online Store Click Here for Brawley Union High School Online Store
BALFOUR Cap and Gown Information
Tuesday, Jan. 24, lunch in the library 11:30-1:30
Thursday, Feb. 23 lunch. FINAL DATE
David Honnold 619-434-6855
Class of 2025 Presents Masquerade Ball
Saturday, January 28th, 2023
7:00-10:00 PM
Tickets- Sold during lunch and after school (Tickets will be sold until 1:10 Friday)
Double- $25.00 Single- $15.00
Court: (Voting form will be sent this week)
Girl Nominees: Kylie Baraggiotta, Jayden Cornejo, Carina Roman, Isabella Yescas
Boy Nominees: Dylan De La Cruz, Cruz De Loera, Royce Durr, Ayden Verdugo
May Mental Health Awareness T-Shirt Design Contest! Here is your chance to win an iPad! MH T-Shirt Contest BUHSD 2.pdf
Seniors, if you are still in need of help with your College Applications Cal-Soap is here to help! Cal-SOAP Flyer.pdf
#RaceToSubmit FAFSA Applications Spirit Week January 23rd-27th
Brawley Rotary is excited to host the annual 4- way speech contest. We are prepared to sponsor 5-6 students at noon on Feb 22 at the Stockmen's Club. For rules and guidelines please see Mrs. Villon or your counselor.
Juniors: RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Academy. We are looking for about 5-7 High School Juniors, to interview, that show “Leadership Skills” & are able to attend the Conference April 14-16, 2023, in Idyllwild Pines. We would like to tentatively plan to interview the Students the last week of February or the first week in March. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Villon or your counselor.
African American Club meeting on Thursday at 12:30 for lunch in ASB. Google Classroom Code q5zvvvi.
Campus Life- Meets at lunch in room 7 on Wednesdays. Come join us for pizza and fun! A positive faith message with friends. See Mrs. Archer
Circle of Friends- The Great Kindness Challenge is happening this week! Look for a table during lunch where you can pledge to be a part of the Kindness Challenge and add your link to our school-wide chain!
Entrepreneur Club- Are you interested in starting your own business or earning cash from a side hustle? See Mrs. Hardie in Rm 61 to learn more about the Entrepreneur Club.
Flags- Are you interested in joining Tall Flags? Reach out to Ms. Ledon in room #28 or feel free to stop by for practice everyday after school!
Folklorico- Folklorico Club members who have not returned their costumes and shoes must return them to room 69 ASAP to avoid any school fines.
Grad Nite-Grad Nite information Dr. MacKenzie (rm. 67) or Mr. Contreras rm. 77) Students who earned money from passing the CAASPP Test and who want to use that towards their Grad Nite ticket, please let Dr. MacKenzie know! (CAASPP money can also be used to purchase a yearbook or for Cap and Gown)
Seniors: Seniors! Tickets for Grad Nite are now only $300!! Money is due by Feb. 24. Make payments in Rm. 67 (MacKenzie) during break, lunch, or tutorial. Students who paid $325 will be refunded $25 in March. Also - We are having the LAST Grad Nite Fundraiser starting next week. Get tickets from Mr. C. Rm 77 to sell Chabela's Barbacoa Plates. The fundraiser will be March 1 and tickets are $12 plate (with 50% profits for students).
Reminder: Grad Nite will take place May 24 and will be at both Disneyland and California Adventures parks. Total cost for Grad Nite tickets are $300 per student - this includes Disney tickets + bus costs. Students will be expected to pay for their own food and souvenir items while at the park.
LEGO Club- Interested in building LEGO during lunch? Then come join the Lego Club where all things LEGO will be discussed! Stop by Room 52 on Tuesday, January 24th (during lunch) to get things started and sign-up!
Retro Gaming Club- We will be having our next installment in our retro gaming club. Come ready to play and enjoy the day. Get your Game on!
Travel Club: Google Classroom Code- 5mm7tz2 Deadline for Japan Trip this summer is March 1st. See Mrs. Self in ASB for more information.
SPORTS Events This week Winter Sports Jan. 9th- Feb. 11th
Monday- Please release Frosh girls soccer today at 1:45. Thank you!--
Tuesday- Please release JV/varsity girls soccer at 1:40, JV boys soccer at 2:30. Thank you!
Wednesday- Please frosh boys soccer today at 1:20. Thank you!
Thursday- Please excuse comp cheer today at 9:15. Please release Frosh boys basketball today at 2:45. Thank you!--
Friday-Please release varsity boys wrestlers all day today. Thank you!--
Spring Sports
Swimming- BUHS swimmers remember to pick up your forms in room 27. Get a physical if you need one. Turn in all papers to Mrs. Cruz by Feb. 2. Mandatory meeting for all swimmers Feb. 6 at the pool at 3:30 pm. D’Ann Luckey
Softball- Softball tryouts for all levels will be held on Saturday, February 11th at 10:00 a.m. at the softball field. You must be cleared to be able to tryout, so make sure you have your physical completed, you are academically eligible and you have received and completed the BUHS Athletic Handbook and Forms (https://ca01902259.schoolwires.net/cms/lib/CA01902259/Centricity/Domain/55/BUHSAthleticPacket2223Fillable.pdf). If you are not able to attend because you are still competing in a winter sport please contact Coach Kevin Kerns (760-791-1817 or kk4ff@yahoo.com) to make arrangements to tryout at a later date. If you have any other questions or would like to turn in your athletic packet forms please see Mr. Wise in the Counseling Center.
Track- Signups Wednesday in the Old Gym at 3:01 and practice begins Feb. 4th.
Detention/Tutoring Schedule
NOTE: Students must bring something to work on for the duration of the session.
3:10-4:10 Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday
Mondays: Ms. Pirrie in room #49
Tuesdays: Ms. Ledon in room #28 (or Library)
Thursdays: Mr. A. Padilla in room #53
Math Tutoring After School, 3:00-4:00 pm, Monday - Thursday.
Monday is Mr. Barrera Rm 68
Tuesday is Mrs. Padilla Room 18
Wednesday is Ms. Gray Room 59
Thursday is Ms. Alvarez Room 41
YEARBOOK Buy a Dedication Ad before the February 2023 Deadline: Two months left to buy a dedication ad! Ads are available for purchase in the 2023 BUHS Yearbook for anyone who wants to recognize a deserving Wildcat or a local business. All ads must be purchased and created online through jostensadservice.com and prices are as follows: 1 page: $300 1/2 page: $160 1/4 page: $100 1/8 page: $65 The final deadline to purchase a Dedication ad is February 9, 2023 - this deadline cannot be extended under any circumstances so don't miss out on dedicating an ad in the upcoming yearbook.
Senior Get Together Club: Our club will be holding it’s annual scholarship fundraiser on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 from 4 pm to 6 pm at Chabela’s. We will need some students to help during this time, so if there are any students who need community hours and are interested please contact Gloria Jauregui at 760-791-2405.